No effort is too small
> I go the extra mile providing solutions to solve problems
> I add value at every opportunities
> I deliver with pride and passion
> I contribute and work for common success!
> I am result oriented
Objectively address every issue
> I take every situation with a positive mindset!
> I want to understand the targeted result in all situation!
> I want to look for options to ensure a positive response!
> I will avoid taking it personal, be objective and act professionally!
> I look inwardly to improve and avoid finger pointing
Value and support each other
> I focus on what I can do for you and deliver on my promise!
> I take the lead to understand and respect each other!
> I look to integrate the knowledge and skill sets in our team for maximum results!
> I share my experience and knowledge to grow our people!
> I respect and appreciate my colleagues’ effort and results
Aim for quality services
> I target to understand my customer’s needs!
> I strategize to meet their service expectations and standards!
> I keep to the targeted deadline and deliver with quality!
> I minimise costing without comprising service quality!
> I continuously improve services to build company’s reputation